Phonemic inventory
| | Bilabial | | Laminal alveolar | | Palatal | | Velar | | Uvular | | Glottal |
Nasal | | | | m | | | | n̻ | | | | | | | | ŋ | | | | ɴ | | | | |
Stop | | pʰ | p | b | | t̻ʰ | t̻ | d̻ | | | | | | kʰ | k | g | | qʰ | q | | | | ʔ | |
Fricative | | | ɸ | | | | s̻ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Trill | | | | | | | | r̻ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Tap | | | | | | | | ɾ̻ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Approximant | | | | | | | | ɹ̻ | | | | j | | | | w | | | | | | | | |
| | Front | | Central |
High | | i | | |
Mid-low | | ɛ | | |
Low | | | | a |
Syllable structure
C1: a consonant
V: a vowel
C2: a consonant other than /ɾ̻/
- Velar or uvular stops or nasals [ŋ kʰ g ...] persistently assimilate in uvularity to a following back consonant other than [w].
- Voiceless stops [pʰ t̻ʰ k ...] assimilate in aspiration to a following consonant other than a resonant.
- Nasals [m n̻ ŋ ɴ] become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to a following obstruent.
- Alveolar obstruents other than [s̻], i.e. [t̻ʰ t̻ d̻], become affricate sibilants [t͡s̻ʰ t͡s̻ d͡z̻] before a non-nasal alveolar fricative.
- Consonants [m d̻ t͡s̻ ...] persistently assimilate in voice to a following consonant other than a resonant and become voiceless word-finally. Before a voiceless consonant or pause, nasals become non-nasal. Before a voiced stop or nasal, aspirated stops become unaspirated; [ʔ] are deleted.
- Non-glottal stop obstruents [pʰ kʰ t͡s̻ʰ ...] assimilate in voice to a preceding obstruent. After a voiced obstruent, aspirated stops become unaspirated.
- Front vowels and semivowels [j̥ j i ɛ] become central [ɰ̟̥ ɰ̟ ɨ ɜ] before a velar semivowel.
- Consonants [m g r̻̥ ...] persistently assimilate in voice to a preceding obstruent or nasal. After a voiced obstruent or nasal, aspirated stops become unaspirated; [ʔ] are deleted. After a voiceless obstruent, nasals become non-nasal.
- Non-nasal consonants [pʰ q r̻ ...] persistently assimilate in voice to a following non-nasal consonant other than a resonant and become voiceless word-finally. Before a voiced obstruent, aspirated stops become unaspirated; [ʔ] are deleted.
- Non-pharyngeal velar stops or nasals [ŋ kʰ k g] become palatal [ɲ cʰ c ɟ] before a front high vowel or a high palatal semivowel.
- Non-pharyngeal non-back consonants other than high semivowels [m d̻ β ...] persistently assimilate in palatalisation to a following consonant.
- Voiceless stops [pʰ t̻ʲʰ k ...] assimilate in aspiration to a preceding consonant other than a resonant.
- Unaspirated obstruents other than [ɸ ɸʲ s̻ s̻ʲ], i.e. [p c t͡s̻ ...], become glottalised [pʼ cʼ t͡s̻ʼ ...] after a non-nasal glottal stop. Non-affricate voiced stops become implosives; [d͡z̻ d͡z̻ʲ] become [ɹ̻ ɹ̻ʲ]; [β βʲ] become [w w]; [z̻ z̻ʲ] become [ɹ̻ ɹ̻ʲ].
- Unrounded central vowels and unrounded velar or uvular semivowels [ɰ̟̥ ɰ̟ ɜ ...] become back [ɰ̥ ɰ ʌ ...] before an uvular stop or nasal.
- Unaspirated obstruents other than [ɸ ɸʲ s̻ s̻ʲ], i.e. [p c ɓ̰ʲ ...], assimilate in glottalisation to a following non-nasal consonant other than a resonant. Before a glottalised consonant, non-implosive non-affricate voiced stops become implosives; [d͡z̻ d͡z̻ʲ] become [ɹ̻ ɹ̻ʲ]; [β βʲ] become [w w]; [z̻ z̻ʲ] become [ɹ̻ ɹ̻ʲ].
- Non-front vowels and velar or uvular semivowels [ɰ̟̥ w̥ ɜ ...] persistently assimilate in backness or velarisation to a following high semivowel. Before a semivowel, rounded semivowels become unrounded.
- Non-affricate alveolar stops or nasals [n̻ t̻ʼ d̻ʲ ...] are persistently deleted between a stop or nasal and a stop or nasal.
- Mid-low vowels [ɛ ɜ ʌ] persistently become tense [e ɘ ɤ] before a high semivowel.
- High vowels and semivowels [j̥ ɰ̟ w ...] persistently become non-high [e̯̥ ɘ̯ o̯ ...] before a non-near-high vowel or an uvular consonant except a vowel.
- Back vowels and semivowels [ɰ̥ ɤ̯̥ ɯ ...] become central [ɰ̟̥ ɘ̯̥ ɨ ...] before a front semivowel. Rounded semivowels become unrounded.
Some words
/pɛn̻pʰiɸ/ | [pɛppiɸ] |
/ɸɛt̻kid̻/ | [ɸɛt̻ʲcit̻] |
/pad̻/ | [pat̻] |
/kʰad̻jɛt̻ʰ/ | [kʰad̻ʲjɛt̻ʰ] |
/jabip/ | [jabip] |
/mɛmŋaq/ | [mɛmŋɑq] |
/s̻igjid̻/ | [s̻iɟjit̻] |
/ɸiɴgɛd̻/ | [ɸiŋgɛt̻] |
/wit̻ad̻/ | [wit̻at̻] |
/jid̻jɛʔ/ | [jid̻ʲjɛʔ] |
/bɛn̻ŋik/ | [bɛn̻ʲɲik] |
/d̻at̻pib/ | [d̻at̻pip] |
/jɛn̻kɛd̻/ | [jɛkkɛt̻] |
/ɛn̻bad̻/ | [ɛmbat̻] |
/jɛbpit̻ʰ/ | [jɛppit̻ʰ] |
/pʰabbɛp/ | [pʰabbɛp] |
/ɸid̻kaqʰ/ | [ɸit̻kɑqʰ] |
/d̻iji/ | [d̻iji] |
/wi/ | [wi] |
/ɸɛŋgan̻/ | [ɸɛŋgat̻] |
/n̻aɴ/ | [n̻ɑq] |
/ɴakbiŋ/ | [ɴagbik] |
/kɛgwab/ | [kɛgwap] |
/giqpʰɛq/ | [ɟeqʰpʰɛq] |
/ɾ̻id̻bi/ | [ɾ̻id̻bi] |
/s̻ɛpʰkiɹ̻/ | [s̻ɛcciɹ̻̥] |
/wat̻bim/ | [wad̻bip] |
/d̻in̻jɛt̻/ | [d̻in̻ʲjɛt̻] |
/kʰit̻qʰɛɴ/ | [cʰit̻ʰqʰɛq] |
/pɛbɴib/ | [pɛbɴip] |
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